Well, since my last post I've downgraded from a crippling mess to just a mess. To keep it simple, last year was hard. I'm getting better at being alive. That's all you gotta' know.
As for now, I'm repeating 1st year and working in a B&B. My first real job. I was eager to begin being a real adult! Pay some taxes, bitch about co workers by the water cooler, maybe even get involved in a controversial romance. Then it hit me: this sucks. Turns out working your ass off every day for minimum wage isn't all that liberating. I make the same beds day in, and day out. Make the same breakfasts. Clean the same shit off the same toilets. The best part of my week is when a rowdy customer makes a scene. The only positive part of this job is the longing I now have for a Bachelors Degree.
I'm also kinda trying to be more positive. Yes, you've heard every millennial with a nose piercing say this, but c'mon; It's a fairly good defence against the forces of evil. (That evil being the world and those forces being everything in it.) Saying some positive bullshit every few minutes is exhausting, especially when you have such a cynical, nihilistic mind.... it's hard work. I'm still waiting for the pay off, but that's why I have this amazing and well-written blog.
See ya on the flip side,
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